"I believe in standardizing automobiles, not human beings." -Albert Einstein

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Is it About the Children or the Money?

Wonder if anyone in the local media would like to consider printing/posting the REAL story?

As our state House of Representatives grapple with the tough issues facing our failing education system, the rhetoric from the Georgia School Board Associations, and so-called professional teacher groups has sunk to a new level. Our elected leaders have been berated unscrupulously, even the ones who have reached out to our community to help us come together for the sake of our children. It’s just so sad that these leaders are being attacked for trying to do what is right for our children.

Spending the last two weeks under the gold dome fighting for school choice, I have made an important observation. Every time the opponents to the proposed charter amendment talk, it’s about the money and the funding and the cost. When the School Choice supporters talk, it’s about the children and giving a choice to families. Call me crazy, but the proof is all over that bowl of pudding!

I challenge parents to make up their own minds and not form an opinion based on half truths. The fact is, Cherokee County did not lose because a state-approved Charter School opened. Have you heard about the district FINALLY stepping up to add STEM Academies? Where are the extra furlough days and fired teachers that were promised by the Superintendent directly due to the opening of CCA? How can 800 students leaving CCSD schools cause class sizes to go up? What is fair about CC schools keeping my property tax money to educate children that are not my own?

Parents in Cherokee County should be celebrating Cherokee Charter Academy and fighting for more state-approved Charter schools. Since when did raising the bar and trying new things in education become such a bad thing, especially in a state that ranks at the bottom of the pile in education performance, but at the top for education spending??

As for Chip Rogers and other elected officials, I say a simple and very heartfelt thank you for standing up for what is right for the future of this state. 

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